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Dr. Tina Beck, DDS: San Diego Dental Implants

As a board-certified periodontist in San Diego and having placed hundreds of implants, Dr. Tina Beck of Southern California Periodontics and Implantology, is very skilled and experienced in this procedure.

People lose teeth for several reasons, the most common being due to severe gum disease or a large cavity.  Some people never grow certain adult teeth!  If you are missing one tooth or several, dental implants offer the most natural and permanent solution to restore you smile.  Dental implants can be used as a solution for replacing single or multiple missing teeth and for stabilizing dentures. As a board-certified periodontist in San Diego and having placed hundreds of implants, Dr. Tina Beck of Southern California Periodontics and Implantology, is very skilled and experienced in this procedure.

What Is A Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a small post that can be placed in the upper or lower jaw to serve as a replacement for the root portion of a missing tooth. Because of the biocompatible properties of the titanium, a dental implant fuses with the bone to become a solid anchor for the replacement tooth that goes on top of it (called a dental implant restoration or abutment and crown).  Dental implants can be used to replace a single missing tooth or multiple missing teeth.  They can even help secure a denture by providing unparalleled retention and stability, allowing you to talk and chew with confidence.

The Difference Between A Dental Implant And A Bridge

Patient Education Video

Watch our 3D animation video for a detailed explanation on the differences between bridges and dental implants.

What Are The Benefits Of Dental Implants?

Dr. Beck recommends dental implants to patients who have loose, missing, or diseased teeth for one main reason—they are the best tooth-replacement option on the market. This advanced solution offers men and women a truly improved life through many benefits.

Dental Implants Comparison Chart

They Stimulate The Jawbone, Which Keeps It Healthy And Strong

Jawbone stimulation is vital to a healthy mouth. By providing stimulation, patients will be able to maintain their jawbone shape, which keeps their face shape intact as well.

They Are Easy To Care For

Dental implants require the same care as natural teeth, meaning you will only need to brush and floss twice daily, rinse with antibacterial mouthwash once a day, and visit your general dentist for regular check-ups.

They Do Not Have Any Dietary Restrictions

patients can eat anything they want when they choose dental implants. Unlike other tooth-replacement systems, which limit biting and chewing ability, dental implants allow you to eat like you did when you had natural teeth.

Why Get Dental Implants From A Periodontist?

Periodontists have received extensive training placing dental implants for patients who suffer from missing teeth. Board-certified periodontists complete 3 rigorous years of full-time education after 4 years of dental school! Dr. Beck also has a master’s degree in biomedical science, and is highly trained in how to critically evaluate medical research, so she can provide the best possible care for her patients. Periodontists are knowledgeable in treating infections of the gum and bone that support the teeth, and are highly trained in how to best eliminate the infection before implants can be placed. Periodontists prepare sites for implant placement to ensure long-term success. In addition, periodontists like Dr. Beck are also trained to monitor implant sites after surgery and identify any conditions that may develop which may compromise the overall success of the dental implant.

As a board-certified periodontist, Dr. Beck is also highly-trained in the placement of dental implants. She believes in providing the best care possible, and achieves excellent results for her patients by utilizing effective minimally invasive surgical methods. Additionally, her high standards of surgical safety and cleanliness minimize the risk of infection or disease contraction, keeping you healthy and safe while enhancing your smile at the same time.

Because of her knowledge and impressive reputation, Dr. Beck is highly sought after by patients from all over the country, not just San Diego! It’s not uncommon for patients to travel to San Diego from out-of-state just to be treated by Dr. Beck. Dentists from all over southern California regularly refer their patients to her for the placement of dental implants because she strives to provide consistently beautiful, life-changing results thanks to the high-quality products she uses in the dental implant surgical process. If you have loose, missing, or diseased teeth and are in need of tooth replacement, schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Beck.

Dental Implant Process

Are Dental Implants Right For You?

Candidates for dental implants come in many different forms, as people of all ages experience loose or missing teeth, for a myriad of reasons. Whether you are choosing dental implants to improve your smile, or you need to have a tooth or teeth replaced to restore your chewing function, you can rest assured that Dr. Beck’s experience in dental implant placement will leave you feeling whole again.

While the only way to truly know if you are a good candidate for dental implants is to visit Dr. Beck for an exam and consultation, there are some things you can consider that will help you know how likely you are to qualify for this tooth-replacement option.

Your medical health history matters. When you visit Dr. Beck for your initial consultation, she will review your entire medical history. This includes any major surgeries you may have had, hospitalizations, any medications or supplements you are taking, and any reactions you may have had to medications or other materials in the past. In general, dental implant candidates will be physically healthy and able to commit to the entire implant process. However, don’t assume that your particular medical condition is a contraindication for treatment. Your care just may need to be modified. Dr. Beck has treated many patients with significant medical concerns and works with their physicians to ensure their care is successfully completed in a safe manner.

Have you had loose or missing teeth for an extended period of time? This is an important condition to consider as the longer your teeth have been loose or missing, the more likely it will be that you will require additional procedures like bone grafting or gum grafting in order to prepare your mouth to receive dental implants.

How healthy are your gums? It is important that your gums are healthy prior to the placement of your dental implants. If you have experienced periodontal disease, Dr. Beck can restore the health of your gums and get you ready to receive your new implants.

Do you use tobacco products? Just like tobacco products affect your physical health, they can also be detrimental to your oral health. If you use tobacco products, your dental implants are more likely to have complications. It’s important to be honest with Dr. Beck about your tobacco use so the two of you can develop a plan to ensure your dental implants are a success.

What Is The Dental Implants Recovery Process?

After dental implant surgery, the recovery process is fairly simple, as Dr. Beck uses only the latest, most minimally invasive technology available to encourage a speedy recovery. But because general anesthesia will be used during your procedure, you will be released to the care of a trusted friend or family member who can ensure you get safely home. Additionally, Dr. Beck will provide you with detailed post-operative instructions, which will aid in your recovery. Some of the post-operative instructions will include:

  • Do not disturb the wounds
  • Control minimal bleeding by biting down on gauze
  • Control minor swelling by applying ice packs to the cheeks
  • Stay hydrated
  • Take pain medication as directed by Dr. Beck
  • Take prescribed antibiotics to protect against infection
  • Maintain proper oral hygiene as directed through each stage of your recovery
  • Do not participate in any extreme exercise for at least one week after your surgery

If you experience excessive bleeding, swelling, or discomfort at any time, be sure to call Dr. Beck to discuss further steps.

What Is The Healing Process For Dental Implant Surgery?

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

There are a few things that you need to know when you’re considering the cost of dental implant treatment. First, there’s usually a few different steps, each with its own cost. The dental implant itself is the root replacement. Then there’s the abutment piece which is usually made together with the crown once the implant is healed and ready for the final tooth. Those parts usually have different fees as well, so it’s important to ask about each one of those when you’re considering the total cost of your treatment.

There might also be additional procedures like bone grafting or sinus grafting that are needed to help support your dental implant, which comes at an additional cost. A three dimensional CT scan is necessary to fully evaluate the bone in the area to find out if there are any additional steps that might be required for your particular situation. The surgical cost for the replacement of the dental implant is usually around $2000 to $2500. The abutment and the crown is usually around $2000. So all in all, you are probably starting with around $4500 without any additional procedures. It can go up from there depending on how complex your particular situation is. So it’s important to ask if you need any additional procedures with your dental implant when you’re considering the total cost of your treatment.

Do Dental Implants Hurt?

While the idea of dental surgery can be scary, have no fear.  Most San Diego patients experience very minimal discomfort afterwards and are often surprised by how easily they heal.  Many patients choose to have the procedure performed with just numbing the area, although we do offer options for sedation to help make your procedure worry-free.  Your comfort is our number one priority and we will do whatever we can to make your experience as painless and easy as possible.

Placement Of Dental Implants In San Diego

Do you need dental implants in San Diego? Then look no further. Dr. Tina Beck specializes in dental implant surgery. With the help of modern technology, including the use of three-dimensional radiographic imaging on our in-house digital conebeam CT, we are able to minimize potential complications. With this information we are able to select the appropriate size implant for you and discuss any additional procedures which may be required to ensure a successful and safe treatment outcome. We also work closely with your dentist to ensure a beautiful, natural feeling, long lasting tooth replacement solution.

In some cases, a minor bone graft may be required to improve the strength of your jaw and ensure the longevity of your implant.

Ready to schedule your consultation with Dr. Beck? Have additional questions? Call our office in San Diego at (858) 295-0178! We’d more than happy to assist you with whatever you need.

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1230 Columbia Street, Suite 800,

San Diego, CA