Rumor Has It…
Wait, first Brody announces his resignation and now Ms. Chandler exits stage left at the end of this month? What the…? The crowd here has already been waiting impatiently for an announcement from the Scripps Research Institute about making Jim Paulson President for months on end. The new buzz will now swing to replacing the executive team over at Salk. Brody and Chandler are class acts. Tough shoes to fill… just sayin’. No pressure…
Best Events This Week (I’ll be at the fun table…)
Free will? I’m a fan. But then again, that means I have to take responsibility for my choices… damn. Come join the discussion as the The Arthur C. Clarke Center for Human Imagination presents a panel on “The Physics of Free Will” Thursday August 6th, at 6:00pm at Atkinson auditorium on campus. Responsible for our own actions? Jury’s still out…
You can bet your ass I’ll be sneaking in back stage for this Sunday’s Opening night celebration of the long anticipated world premier musical Up Yours—I mean Up Here at La Jolla Playhouse. Opening night is Sunday, August 9th with pre-show faire and my favorite, the after party… hey! LJP’s biggest players and theater aficionados will attend. And how awesome is it that you can bring your wine into the theater in a plastic cup? Score!
San Diego Venture Group’s summer bash at Scripps Forum August 12th at 4:00pm. Who doesn’t want to drink beer with a bunch of Venture Capitalists? Attended this last year and found it very worthwhile. You get to hear many budding entrepreneurs pitch their latest while schmoozing with VCs. Lubris won for best name last year 😉 And don’t forget it was a scorcher… keep it cool.
Come Sit by Me…
Owning a restaurant is a labor of love. It is a seven days a week grind that is only driven by passion. What gets me out of bed every morning, with juuuuuuust a slight hangover, is knowing that there is always an interesting individual with a fascinating story that will walk up the steps to my café. CEO, Congressman, Nobel Laureate, Venture Capitalist, Mad Scientist? Who will we meet today and why is it others don’t know of their greatness and accomplishments? Moreover, why don’t people know who they really are, apart from the job? Yes, scientists can be cool…swear. So up and at ‘em to work… Missed day, missed opportunity.
Last week I had the privilege to host Dr. Will Brody, outgoing president of the Salk Institute. I knew Brody was a badass when he got up on stage at the Symphony at Salk last year and killed it with a Gershwin. He tickled those ivories and brought down the house. Pouring him an IPA to compliment his order of ceviche, I shamelessly sat down to ask a few questions. What will you do now that you have retired? Play golf? Travel? Turns out Brody once lived in Italy and would love to return to the motherland. I then mentioned Choro Cientifico, a music group made up of scientists from Salk, would be rockin’ out the next day at happy hour. Brody arrived Friday right on cue, taking time out of his busy schedule to show his Salkians some love. Brody… one solid dude. You will be missed up here on the Mesa.

That’s What SHE Said: Salk Institute’s William Brody is a Badass
Salk Institute | Photo by Paul Body