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Holiday Quick Class: 83. Paint-overs with Lisa Bebi | Athenaeum School of the Arts

About the Event

Painting using imagery in art is a fun way to tell a visual story.  We use black and white photocopies of ancestors, found or real, as the underlying source to paint.  This is a way of creating expressive and fun art that can stand up to any other art form. 

In this workshop, learn how to paint over a photocopy and how to properly adhere paper seamlessly to a substrate without bubbles or creases.  Students will walk away with a painting or two and an understanding of this fun process.

Materials: $25 fee includes images, mediums, varnish, and substrates; use of brushes, palette knife, palette paper, varnish, markers, burnishing tool, paints.

You may bring your own black and white 8″ x 10″ photocopy, brushes, paints, palette paper, apron, gloves, or any of the above listed supplies.

Monday–Wednesday, 10 AM–2 PM
December 2–4
(3 days, 8 total hours of instruction. December 3 is open studio time without instruction)
La Jolla Studio
$140/160 + $25 materials fee paid to instructor

Lisa Bebi, since a small child, has loved two things: looking through snapshots in her family album and painting as expression. For over three decades, the San Diego native has married these two things together, and her work has received international awards and recognition for its content, style, and color. Lisa received her BA in fine arts from San Diego State University (SDSU), where she developed as a colorist, straddling representation with abstraction. Daughter of a journalist, Lisa always finds ways to tell the untold story she sees in snapshots. “I love the authenticity of the snapshot. It’s a single moment in time, but by painting it I can extend that moment, revel in it, and bring to life characters and scenarios that I fancy. Working this way gives me enormous pleasure.” She extracts the “behind, the behind” using innovative techniques and finesse. Over the course of her life she has received awards, accolades, and endorsements. She has been a longtime contributor to many international mixed-media magazines and several books; has taught in artist residencies locally and internationally; is a Golden Paints educator; and is often a local juror.

Contact Us

1230 Columbia Street, Suite 800,

San Diego, CA