I almost can’t believe I haven’t posted this drill yet. It’s by far one of the most effective drills I have incorporated into my teaching. Why do I love it? Because it takes about 273 different swing thoughts and packages them all up into one simple overall move. The golf swing doesn’t have to be rocket science, friends. If we can simplify something by breaking it down into one general thought, I’m all over it. Let’s jump right in….
After making sure your grip, stance, and setup are correct (and you are properly aimed directly at your target), the next most important part of the golf swing is the take-away. If you don’t take the club back correctly those first few initial feet of your swing, you spend the rest of the swing making up for it.
I’ve noticed that many students tend to have excessive lateral movement as they take the club back. Couple that with either an open or closed clubface and you are setting yourself up for anything but a smooth and consistent swing. Instead of thinking about shoulder turn, hip turn, not sliding, getting your left shoulder under your chin, keeping the clubface square to the arc of the swing, etc., one move/thought can accomplish it all.

Golf Tip: Pass The Club Drill
Pass the Club Drill:
- Address the ball.
- Pretend someone is standing about 5 feet to your right and slightly behind you, just off your right shoulder.
- If that person asked you to turn and pass them the club head, what would you do? Naturally, you would turn and extend the club head to them.
- Do this a few times, hold the position, and notice how your weight is distributed.
- Don’t think too hard or try to manipulate what your lower body is doing. Simply pretend someone is standing just behind your right shoulder and turn and pass them the head of the club. You will realize that it is actually a pretty natural move.

Golf Tip: Pass The Club Drill
Tina Mickelson demonstrates the “Pass the Club” drill