You’re Invited!
San Diego Magazine’s Top Doctors Celebration
October 18, 6:30–9:30 p.m.
InterContinental San Diego, Downtown
It’s that time again—our annual Top Doctors issue recognizes the best peer-reviewed physicians of the San Diego County Medical Society. This year, 776 doctors were named across 90 specialties. In addition to publishing the list, we explored some of the compelling topics surrounding health care today. UC San Diego scientist Lars Bode is studying how breast milk can help babies in the neonatal intensive care unit and can offer medicinal benefits even for adults. We also learned about an up-and-coming field, culinary medicine. Say what? “Seventy to 80 percent of disease is preventable,” Dr. Angie Neison told writer Hilary Achauer, “and so this field of ‘food as medicine’ is really just blending the art of cooking and food with the science of medicine.” Primary care physicians rarely have time to discuss diet and nutrition with their patients, let alone teach them how to cook. Neison is working to combat “our current model of waiting until it’s so bad your insurance will cover it.”
While these doctors are going the extra mile in the kitchen, others are doing the same in the delivery room. In one remarkable case last December, over 100 Sharp professionals lent their care and expertise to deliver “Baby Saybie,” the world’s smallest preemie. Writer Ian Anderson checked in with the team that delivered Saybie, who today is thriving and out of the hospital. Quite a dramatic entrance for one of our newest San Diegans.
Speaking of babies: While six months pregnant with my daughter, I wrote the first draft of a quiz, “How San Diego Are You?” That was in July 2017; I went on maternity leave and forgot about the story for two years. But recently I dusted off the file, handed it over to our copy chief, Dan Letchworth, and told him to “have at it.” Dan made activity books at Klutz in his former life, so he enjoyed putting his trivia hat back on to finish what I started. He’s a third-generation San Diegan and I’m a fourth—which came in handy for remembering more esoteric bits of our cultural history—but we bet you’ll score well even if you’ve only lived here long enough to visit some beaches and try a few tacos. (Though it might help if you studied the Spanish missions in fourth grade.) The quiz is meant to be a celebration of our city, the people who inhabit it and the people who built it, and who continue to make it the special place it is. Plus, I just love history and I never pass up an opportunity to laugh at myself and my neighbors.
How San Diego are you? Email me!

The Ultimate San Diego Summer Guide 2017

Letter from the Editor: Behind Our Magazine Redesign

Letter from the Editor: Born in the Best Hands
The world’s smallest surviving newborn, “Baby Saybie,” was delivered at Sharp Mary Birch; Nurse Michelle poses with her before she goes home to her family.