Car’s Jars
1. Salads to go
Salads and dressings are layered for taste and freshness by Point Loma High grad Carly McHenry, who started Car’s Jars when she became frustrated by the lack of healthy and affordable food available near her office. McHenry’s pint jars go for $8 each or $10 for 1.5 pint with delivery included. Pick up also available in O.B. Available at carsjars.com

Gluten-free granola
Studio Castillero
2. Gluten-free granola
Coronado resident Claudette Wilkins specializes in gluten-, grain-, and dairy-free, Paleo-friendly snacks. From maple bacon granola to cherry pie bites, every product in the Cavegirl Confections line is taste-tested and approved by her two very honest kids. Available at cavegirlconfections.com

3. Raw cacao bevvies
Rau was developed by Brian Watrous and Daren Myers, East Coast transplants living in P.B. Each bottle contains 90 percent raw cacao (kept in its raw state, it retains all of its nutrition), loads of antioxidants, and no dairy or sugar. As long as you’re not expecting supersweet Nesquik, it’s delish. Available at Fit Athletic and Whole Foods

Quark cheese
4. Quark cheese
This funky-named cheese looks and spoons like yogurt. One serving of Elli Quark has about 85 calories, zero fat, five grams of sugar, and 17 grams of protein. The lemon flavor is our favorite. Available at Whole Foods