1. It’s good for your heart.
Red wines have both resveratrol and anti- oxidants, from the skins of the grapes. These polyphenols help increase your good HDL cholesterol levels as well as protect against artery damage. We like the deeply colored 2010 Pandiani Aglianico from Sicily ($13).
2. It’s good for your brain.
Polyphenols help relax blood vessels and promote circulation. They lower your risk of strokes and blood clots, and slow brain decline. Tempranillo is known for its polyphenols. Try Alejandro Fernandez’ “Pesqueria” from Ribera del Duero, Spain, 2009 ($30).
3. It’s good for your gut.
Polyphenols release nitric oxide and con- tain probiotics, which help relax the stomach wall and break down proteins. They work to lower the risk of colon cancer. Try Leonetti Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon from Walla Walla, Washington, 2010 ($85).