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Best Reishi Mushroom Supplements: Benefits, Ingredients, Dosage & More

Explore the top 5 Reishi Mushroom Supplements of 2024 for immunity, stress relief, and wellness. Find your perfect match for a healthier you!
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Have you ever considered what a Reishi mushroom supplement could do for your health and wellness routine? 

Reishi mushrooms might just be the hidden gem you’ve been waiting for. Known as the “mushroom of immortality,” these fungi have been used for centuries in traditional medicine to support immunity, reduce stress, and enhance overall wellness.

We understand how difficult it can be to pick the right reishi mushroom supplement for yourself amidst the sea of options available in the market. But we’ve done the research for you. 

After rigorous research and trying out a few reishi mushroom products, here’s our breakdown of the 5 best reishi mushroom supplements of 2024. 

While some work amazingly well for cardiovascular health, some have shown great results in reducing stress and boosting energy. We have combined a list of reishi mushrooms that considers all the health concerns our users may be facing. 

Read on to know which one suits your lifestyle and preference the best. 

Top 5 Best Reishi Mushroom Supplements

#1. Riti

#2. Oweli 

#3. Real Mushrooms 

#4. Double Wood Supplement 

#5. Host Defense 

#1. Riti:  

Riti is at the top of our list for the best reishi mushroom supplements for all the right reasons. The brand uses a blend of traditional Ayurvedic principles with modern wellness needs and delivers a supplement that works wonders to reduce stress and anxiety-related problems. 

Riti’s reishi mushrooms offer a harmonious blend of ten different mushroom extracts, including lion’s mane, chaga, reishi, maitake, shiitake, cordyceps, turkey tail, black fungus, royal sun, and white button. It’s a unique blend perfect for overall health and well-being. 

This combination of ten potent mushroom extracts will also be extremely beneficial if you want to enhance your mood, cognitive function, immune support, energy levels, and digestive health.

Riti reishi mushrooms are a high-quality, sustainable option for you if you want to incorporate the health benefits of mushrooms into your daily routine conveniently and enjoyably. 

The emphasis on natural ingredients, combined with Ayurvedic principles, positions Riti as a brand for individuals seeking holistic health supplements that are aligned with nature and personal wellness goals​

Moreover, these mushroom gummies are vegan, gluten-free, non-GMO, and free from artificial colors or flavors. It comes in a natural raspberry flavor that’s both enjoyable and healthful.


  • Offers comprehensive health support with a focus on mood enhancement and energy boost
  • Non-GMO and free of artificial colors and flavors
  • Gluten-free, gelatin-free, vegan-friendly
  • Eco-friendly packaging
  • Easy to consume natural raspberry-flavored gummies


  • Cost may be a barrier for some customers

=> Click here to visit the official website “Riti”

#2. Oweli:

Oweli has gained immense popularity over the past years for its quality of reishi mushroom supplements and their efficiency in improving our health. The 10 Shrooms from Oweli uses a powerful mixture of 10 mushroom species, quite like the one from Riti’s, and does a wonderful job of uplifting our moods, reducing stress and fatigue, and enhancing how our overall health feels. 

The 10 mushroom blends in this Oweli reishi mushroom supplement include mushroom species like reishi, lion’s mane, cordyceps, shiitake, maitake, royal sun, turkey tail, white button, black fungus, and Chaga. All of these mushrooms have specific health benefits that come together to improve our health, from immune support to cognitive enhancement. 

While the lack of shipping may be a downside for the brand, Oweli has received love and appreciation for its natural formulation of products and become one of the most trusted names in the wellness industry. 

The cordyceps, shiitake, reishi, and lion’s mane mushrooms have the highest concentration in the supplement at 266 mg per serving. At the same time, the other mushrooms are blended to still impart their health benefits. 

The supplement recommends using two capsules daily with food, ensuring you can easily integrate this reishi mushroom supplement into your daily routine. 

Also, Oweli’s dedication to natural and safe ingredients is evident in its careful selection of mushrooms, aiming to provide a product that is as beneficial as it is easy to use.


  • A well-rounded approach to overall health, specifically immunity and cognitive health
  • Completely natural and safe formulation
  • 100-day purchase refund guarantee
  • Manufactured in an FDA-registered facility and is fully CGMP-compliant
  • Overwhelming positive customer reviews


  • Shipping is not free

=> Click here to visit the official website “Oweli”

#3. Real Mushrooms:

The Real Mushrooms Organic Reishi Mushroom Capsules have a pure and potent formulation designed to enhance overall wellness through the power of mushrooms.

Made with certified organic reishi mushrooms and using hot water and alcohol for extraction, these capsules have a high concentration of active compounds like 25% beta-glucans and 4% triterpenes. Beta-glucans, the primary active compound in this compound, are known for their immunological benefits.  

This reishi mushroom supplement works extremely well if you want to boost your immune health in particular. That’s because these are biologically active polysaccharides that enhance the macrophages in your body and increase the natural killer cell function. 

The method Real Mushrooms uses for extraction is one of the most prevalent ways to maximize the bioavailability and effectiveness of the mushrooms’ beneficial properties. 

Almost all of Real Mushrooms’ products are made in an NSF-certified facility in the USA, ensuring adherence to stringent quality standards​​. Moreover, these reishi mushrooms are third-party lab-tested to ensure the best product quality and ethical sourcing practices. 

These capsules are gluten-free, non-GMO, vegan, and free from added starch, mycelium, or grains. This makes sure that you only have the highest quality ingredients without any compromise. 

Each capsule contains 500mg of mushroom extract, with options for both 45 and 100 servings available​. 


  • Offers a wide range of health benefits, using the natural properties of reishi mushrooms
  • Organic, non-GMO, and vegan-friendly
  • Provides convenience and ease of use in both capsule and powder forms
  • Transparency in ingredients and processes, with third-party lab verification


  • Natural unflavored capsules may not be suitable for all customers

=> Click here to visit the official website “Real Mushroom”

#4. Double Wood Supplement 

We’ve personally used the Double Wood Supplement Reishi Mushrooms capsules and can notice a significant improvement in our overall health and well-being. 

Although these reishi mushroom supplements are marketed for their immune-boosting and energy-boosting properties, the powerful mix of mushroom extracts also targets overall health. 

The main ingredient in the compound is reishi mushrooms, which have a daily value of 1000 mg per serving. It also includes other ingredients like hypromellose, rice, and flour. The high concentration of reishi mushroom extract is also extremely high in antioxidant properties that improve the immune system, and heart health, reduce stress, promote relaxation, reduce inflammation, and improve sleep patterns. 

These reishi mushroom supplements are completely free of soy and gluten. They’re also non-GMO verified and vegan-friendly. So, if you’re among the health-conscious people, this will be a great pick for you. 

Each bottle contains 150 capsules; the recommended daily dosage for the product is 2 capsules. But you should not consume more than 2 capsules a day given their high concentration of reishi mushroom extract. 


  • Use a high concentration of reishi mushrooms as the primary ingredient
  • Supports the immune system, heart health, and energy levels
  • Gluten-free, non-GMO
  • Vegan-friendly
  • Third-party testing for quality assurance


  • Users have noticed side effects like stomach discomfort and headaches
  • The size of the capsules may be hard to swallow for some customers

=> Click here to visit the official website “Double Wood Supplement”

#5. Host Defense:

If you’re facing difficulty with energy and stamina, the Host Defense reishi mushroom capsules can work extremely well for you. Available in three sizes, Host Defense has done a great job for customers to try out their product without it being too heavy on the pockets. 

These capsules use reishi mushrooms as the primary ingredient and offer many health-supporting properties, like cardiovascular wellness, boosting energy and stamina, aiding in stress adaptation, and supporting a balanced immune system.

Although the concentration of reishi mushrooms is 1g per serving, which is quite low compared to other alternatives in the market, customers have reviewed it for good results. 

The best part about these mushroom supplements is that they’re bee-friendly and completely gluten-free. These are also non-GMO verified and vegan-friendly. 

The recommended dosage for this product is 2 capsules per day, without any further instruction about before or after meals. Ideally, if you’re new to mushroom supplements, you should start with a low intake and gradually increase it with your capacity. 

While offering significant health advantages, individual responses to the supplement may vary, and there’s a chance of mild side effects for some users.


  • Uses reishi mushroom as the primary ingredient in the product
  • Supports cardiovascular health and immune function
  • Works well for energy enhancement and stress management
  • Organic, non-GMO
  • Vegan-friendly


  • Possible mild side effects for some users
  • Very low concentration of mushroom extract

What Are Reishi Mushrooms?

Reishi mushrooms are among the most potent supplements that support cardiovascular and immunity health and are equally great for enhancing overall health. 

Reishi mushroom supplements are derived from the Ganoderma lucidum mushroom, an edible type of medicinal fungus. It has been used for over two thousand years, especially in Asian countries, for its health-enhancing properties. 

Most reishi supplements are formulated from the dried and powdered reishi mushroom fruiting body, and, in some cases, the mycelium is also used for its extensive bioactive compounds.

1,3-beta-D-glucan is the primary bioactive component found in both the fruiting body and the mycelium, and it’s the main ingredient for which reishi mushrooms are used in supplements. It has significant immune-boosting properties. 

Moreover, the polysaccharides in reishi mushrooms, which are complex sugars, contribute to the mushroom’s anti-cancer, immune-enhancing, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Apart from these, reishi mushrooms are also high in triterpenoids. These are acidic compounds that are extremely high in anti-allergic properties and also contribute to the mushroom’s ability to turn off the body’s response to allergies. 

Benefits of Reishi Mushroom Supplements

A growing number of people are opting for healthier lifestyles, particularly after the recent challenging couple of years. 

Reishi mushrooms contain natural adaptogens that work very well for stress and anxiety-related issues. But apart from this, reishi mushroom supplements have many other well-acclaimed benefits. 

Here are a few of the most potent ones:

  • Immune System Support: Reishi mushrooms are rich in compounds that help modulate the immune system, enhancing the body’s defense against pathogens.
  • Anti-Cancer Properties: Contains antioxidants and compounds like polysaccharides and triterpenes, which may inhibit tumor growth and support the body’s natural ability to fight cancer.
  • Cardiovascular Health: It may improve heart health by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels, thanks to the triterpenes with anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Liver Function: Acts as an adaptogen to support liver health, aiding detoxification and promoting overall liver function.
  • Stress and Fatigue Reduction: Known for their adaptogenic properties, helping the body adapt to stress and reducing fatigue, enhancing energy levels and stamina.
  • Hormonal Balance: May help in balancing hormone levels, impacting various bodily functions positively, from metabolism to mood regulation.
  • Blood Sugar Control: Some studies suggest Reishi can help stabilize blood sugar levels, which benefits people with or at risk of diabetes.

However, it’s important to note that the research confirming these benefits, though promising, is not yet extensive enough to rely on completely.

Buying Guide On Reishi Mushroom Supplements

We make your search easier by providing a checklist of what to look for in Reishi supplements before purchasing them. Numerous options are available today, but not all products deliver on their promises. Identifying them is simple if you keep the following list handy when searching for a good mushroom supplement.


Like any other product, always check the quality of reishi mushrooms used in the formulation of these supplements. Look for products that have been certified organic, and this will ensure the mushrooms are grown without synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. 

Also, high-quality supplements should be free from fillers, additives, and artificial ingredients that could dilute their effectiveness. You should be able to find this information on the brand product website. 

Extraction Method:

It is crucial to make sure that the extraction procedure does not change the result. Compared to alcohol or dual extract procedures, the conventional hot water method is considered the most effective. 

That’s because it ensures a broader range of bioactive compounds, including both water-soluble polysaccharides and alcohol-soluble triterpenes, are present in the final product.


Neither does taking more supplements improve your chances of seeing, nor does taking a lower dosage sustain the actual effects. So, always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines when consuming any reishi supplement. You can also consult with a healthcare provider. 

It’s important to know that dosage will also depend on factors like the concentration of the extract and the use of other ingredients in the product blend.


Never go for brands that are not transparent about their ingredients and concentration per serving. It’s very important to know what’s inside your reishi supplement capsule or powder.  

You should check whether the claims made about the ingredients are supported by science and whether they trigger any allergies. And how they work with the reishi extract.

Brand Reputation:

There are both new and veteran brands offering similar reishi mushroom supplements and sometimes even equally good and effective ones. But any brand you choose should have sufficient reviews and a reputation to support its claims. 

Look for brands that are transparent about their sourcing, manufacturing processes, and testing protocols. Customer reviews, third-party certifications, and professional recommendations can also guide your choice.


While it’s tempting to opt for the least expensive option, the cost of reishi mushroom supplements often reflects their quality and potency. In fact, inexpensive supplements are more likely to contain fillers than potent extracts.

So, investing in a slightly more costly product from a reputable brand can provide better value in terms of effectiveness and safety. However, compare prices and check for money-back guarantees to ensure you get a good deal.

FAQs About Reishi Mushroom Supplements

Q1. What are chaga mushrooms?

Chaga mushrooms, also known as “King of mushrooms,” are a woody fungus that grows on birch trees. They are dark, lumpy, and look like burnt charcoal. They are a great source of antioxidants and are majorly used in medicinal applications. Chaga mushrooms offer many health benefits, like regulating blood sugar levels, diminishing inflammation, enhancing digestive health, and lowering blood pressure. 

Q2. How much reishi should you take daily?

The ideal dosage is 1 to 1.5 grams of reishi extract or 6 to 8 grams of mushroom powder. However, this can differ based on the concentration of reishi mushroom extract in the supplement. Always double-check the product label or get expert guidance from a doctor before consumption. Moreover, your health condition is a major driving factor for the dosage you can consume daily. 

Q3. What are the side effects of taking reishi supplements?

While Reishi supplements are beneficial, they can cause side effects like digestive discomfort, headaches, dry mouth, diarrhea, itchiness, and rashes. It is also noticed that prolonged intake of reishi mushrooms can affect your liver health. So, starting with a lower dose is important to monitor your body’s response and adjust accordingly, prioritizing safety and tolerance.

Q4. What is the best type of reishi supplement?

Red Reishi mushroom, called Ganoderma lucidum, is the finest and most effective variety for reishi supplements. Due to its health advantages, it is one of the most extensively studied and widely used forms of reishi mushroom.

Q5. Who should not take a reishi mushroom supplement?

Reishi mushroom supplements are not suitable for everyone. If you have health concerns like bleeding disorders or low blood pressure, or if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, you should avoid reishi mushroom supplements. People who are due for surgeries should not consume reishi mushrooms as it can severely impact their recovery process. Also, if you’re undergoing treatment for diabetes or other conditions, consult with your healthcare provider before taking reishi mushroom supplements.

Q6. Can you take Reishi and Lion’s Mane together?

Yes. Lion’s Mane mushroom is known for its cognitive and mood-enhancing effects, while Reishi mushrooms support immune function and provide anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. Both mushrooms are useful in their own way.

Q7. How to take a reishi mushroom supplement?

Take reishi mushroom supplements with water. You can find them in capsules, powder, or liquid extract. Follow the dosage on the label or as advised by a healthcare provider. The recommended dosage is once or twice a day, i.e., in the evening and before bedtime. If you use powder, mix it into tea, coffee, or smoothies.

Concluding Thoughts About The Top Brands Of Reishi     Mushroom Supplements

Choosing the right reishi mushroom supplement can significantly impact your health journey. 

So, it’s not only about adding a new product to your daily routine but more about making a conscious decision to enhance your overall health. 

It’s clear that each of our options has its own strengths, from boosting immune function to supporting stress relief and cognitive health. The real question is, what are you looking for in a supplement? 

Is it the purity of ingredients, the promise of energy and stamina, or the reliability of a trusted brand? 

Your health goals are personal, so should be your choice of a reishi supplement. 


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