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TEDxSanDiego Returns Oct. 22 with The Age of Magic

Engage with 12 dynamic speakers, three performances and 20 local innovators

The 7th annual TEDxSanDiego, themed The Age of Magic, will feature 12 dynamic speakers and three stunning performances at Copley Symphony Hall downtown. In front of Symphony Towers, B Street will be blocked off to create Innovation Alley, which will highlight 20 of San Diego’s most innovative startup companies. Local entrepreneurs will hold live demonstrations of their products or technologies.

The Age of Magic celebrates the aspects of life that fill us with a sense of awe and wonder. Attendees will explore the future of personalized genomics, the impacts of innovation without borders, the power of art to make peace, and the mysteries of the microbiome. They will also learn how the brain sees, and how we are designing our future and redefining community redevelopment.

Visit for more information and to purchase tickets. Early bird pricing is available through the end of July.


TEDxSanDiego brings together a collection of innovators, explorers, visionaries, teachers and learners, then seeks to illuminate, inspire and activate each of those individuals as a way to foster engaging conversation, collaboration and action. Their vision is to be a catalyst for spreading ideas that change our world.


October 22, 2016

11:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.


Copley Symphony Hall

750 B Street

San Diego, CA 92101

TEDxSanDiego Returns Oct. 22 with The Age of Magic


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San Diego, CA