July 31:
Get On Your Feet! for Emilio and Gloria Estefan’s Broadway musical at the Civic Theatre (through 8/5).
August 1-5:
Join independent filmmakers from SoCal and beyond for the five-day Oceanside International Film Festival at The Brooks Theater.
August 3-24:
Celebrate outgoing music director Cho-Liang Lin’s 18-year tenure at La Jolla Music Society during SummerFest, featuring chamber music from world-renowned artists and ensembles.
August 3-5:
Explore the works of more than 25 artists during Bazaar del Mundo’s annual Latin American Festival and Mata Ortiz Pottery Market.
August 4:
Eat, drink, and support wildlife at Living Coast Discovery Center’s Farm to Bay fundraising event in Chula Vista.
August 4:
Tell your friends “no can do” if they skip out on seeing Hall & Oates with Train, live in concert at Viejas Arena.

Things to Do: July 30-August 5
August 4: Farm to Bay