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Self-Love Activist Femi Olafioye-Omogbehin’s 8 Essential Items

Her favorites for treating yourself

By Sarah Pfledderer

Tastemaker: Femi

Tastemaker: Femi

AGE: 32


JOB: Self-love-activist

Whether you have a partner or not, there’s a special someone we all should be showing some devotion to—ourselves. That’s where Femi Olafi oye-Omogbehin can help. She’s a mechanical engineer turned self-love activist, and she sums up what that means in simple terms: “It’s love that’s turned inward. However you show love to other people, do that for yourself. That is self-love.”

Does that include giving yourself gifts? “Ultimately it’s up to you how product-heavy you decide to get in your self-love practice,” she says. “I’m a firm believer that spending any amount of time in nature is a great way to practice self-love, but a new journal or accessory or plant can always support that journey as well.” These are a few of the things that help Olafioye-Omogbehin tug her own heartstrings.

Femi Olafioye-Omogbehin


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