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70 & Sunny: Adrian and Richard

Two San Diegans, decades apart, talk about goals and their favorite hobbies
Sydney Valiente

By Erica Nichols

70 and Sunny: Richard and Adrian

70 and Sunny: Richard and Adrian

Sydney Valiente

Richard Tomasello

79, First Vice President of the House of Italy, Blossom Valley

How long have you been with the House of Italy?

Since the ‘90s. When I came in, there was a lot to do. With a friend of mine, we were able to bring it up to speed and launch some really exciting projects.

What are you most proud of?

Creating a membership program and assisting Victor Laruccia, the founder of San Diego Italian Film Festival, with getting the festival going.

How else do you spend your days?

I help make deliveries for my son’s carpet business. When I’m not doing that, I’m typically at Gillespie Field—I’ve got a small four-passenger Cessna I love taking out.

Where have you gone with it?

I’ve been to the Finger Lakes region of New York, Miami, Edmonton, Alberta… But my longest trip was a few summers back when I delivered a plane 160 miles southwest of Anchorage. That was a heck of a trip.

What’s the best part about flying?

I really enjoy exploring the destination once I get there. On the weekends some friends and I will fly to the next county for breakfast.

How does San Diego look from way up there?

When we fly over North County I always think it’s kind of cool to see all of the expansion from what used to be bare land. I have a different perspective than most when I’m up in the air.

Adrian Adiev

9, Fourth Grader, Downtown

What were you up to today?

Well, today I practiced the recorder for music class on Friday. I’m in fourth grade, so we play the recorder. When you get older you get to do band and choir.

Your school sounds cool!

I go to a magnet school, so half the day is English and the other half is Mandarin. I’m also learning Russian and piano, and I take tennis lessons—that’s my favorite. Oh, and I play chess!

Is that all?

Let me check my schedule.

I’m horrible at chess. Can you share any tips?

Take control of the center. There are two pawns in front of the king and queen; you want to move those forward into the center so you have complete control of that area. Just don’t give up—keep playing and you’ll get better.

Have any goals for the new year?

Not really. I have a pretty clear idea of the path that I want to take in life. I’m glad I get to try a bunch of different things on the way there.

Where do you see yourself going?

Maybe a tennis player or a businessman. I want to do something that makes me happy and is at least sort of fun.

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