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Parental Indiscretion: Burning Questions

Rachel Laing Rachel Laing​ I know my parents weren’t perfect, but I view their childrearing as decent enough to serve as the template I work from, customizing it to today’s standards. My dad spanked my sisters and me on the side of the highway during road trips when he’d had it with our endless backseat […]

Parental Indiscretion: No Kidding Around

When I was a kid and we went somewhere as a family, the first priority for me and my sisters was to escape our parents. If we visited friends or relatives, we’d immediately take off with the kids of the other family until it was time to leave. It didn’t matter if we had absolutely […]

Parental Indiscretion: Everyday Equality

I remember my first Barbie doll. My parents had successfully fended off the ultimate “girly” toy’s arrival until I was about 7. We had bikes, Lincoln Logs, keyboards, a Merlin, and a Simon. But Barbie and her pink convertible weren’t welcome in our 1970s feminist Dream House, where you and me were Free to Be […]

Surviving the Self

In her new memoir Warrior, Dr. Theresa Larson chronicles her journey leading marines in Iraq while secretly battling an eating disorder. On the heels of her literary debut, the 34-year-old North Park resident and founder of local physical therapy and wellness program Movement Rx explains how sometimes, the hardest battles are the ones fought within.

Parental Indiscretion: Politics of Parenting

Rachel Laing Rachel Laing​ Owing to the intense interest of our extended families, Ben and Georgia have been steeped in politics their entire lives. Beyond talk of politics at dinner, we watch candidate debates and the Sunday-morning talk shows, hold neighborhood coffees and fundraisers for candidates at our home, and have drafted our kids to […]

Nikki Giovanni: A Living Legend

Watch Giovanni will speak at Point Loma Nazarene University’s Writer’s Symposium by the Sea on February 18. Nikki Giovanni was a major voice of the Black Arts Movement of the late 1960s, and went on to become one of the most widely read American poets. She has published more than 35 books for adults and […]

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San Diego, CA