A Half-Century of Health Care
Since 1963, Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest (PPPSW) has been striving toward its mission to bring reproductive health care to San Diego, Riverside, and, recently, Imperial counties.
It Takes a Village
Planned Parenthood relies on about 250 volunteers per year to help provide its services to the community.
$52 Million!
In 2013–14, operating costs totaled $51,930,903, with the largest percentage—nearly two-thirds—earmarked for health services.
Not for Profit, For Prevention
Total revenue for the first half of 2013 equaled more than $30.2 million, with the largest piece of the pie—again, nearly two-thirds—coming from Family PACT, a California funding program for low-income men, women, and teens seeking no-cost family planning.
Debunking a Common Misconception
“We do more than anyone else to prevent unintended pregnancies,” says Cita Walsh, vice president of marketing and communications. “Less than 5 percent of our services include abortions.”
100,000 Served
Each year, PPPSW serves 116,000 men, women, and teens in San Diego County, and 145,000 in its total service area. There are 14 Planned Parenthood locations in San Diego County and 19 in the region.
Community Outreach in Unexpected Places
Churches, schools, and community groups partner with PPPSW to provide age-appropriate sex ed.
A Spectrum of Services
PPPSW provides a comprehensive range services, most commonly contraception and testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections. The org also offers breast exams, cervical cancer screenings, and pregnancy testing.

Inside the Icon: Planned Parenthood
Photo by Paul Body