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Give Peace a Chance: The Art of John Lennon Exhibition at EC Gallery

About the Event

Imagine a world where art and music intertwine, echoing the call for peace and unity. This is the world that the “Give Peace a Chance: The Art of John Lennon” exhibition brings to life at the EC Gallery in Gaslamp area of Downtown San Diego from February 9th to February 28th, 2024 to November 4, 2024. There are special receptions scheduled for Friday, February 9th and Saturday, February 10th from 6:00-9:00pm. This newly curated exhibition is a must see experience! Never in history has an exhibition been so meaningful, relevant, and so powerful.

As Lennon sang, “All we are saying is give peace a chance,” this exhibition echoes that sentiment through its display of Lennon’s art. It invites us to pause and reflect on the possibility of a world where peace reigns supreme. It’s a call to action, a plea for understanding, and a testament to the power of art and music to inspire change and bring people together. The exhibition is a reminder of the enduring importance of peace and unity in an increasingly connected and tumultuous world.

The exhibition showcases Lennon’s visionary art, which has always been a reflection of societal themes that touched his life. His works celebrate human love and communication, two themes that were at the heart of his contribution to the art of the twentieth century.

In the midst of current events going on around the world, the exhibition serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us of Lennon’s timeless message in his song “Imagine”. As he sang, “Imagine all the people livin’ life in peace,” this exhibition invites us to do just that. It encourages us to envision a world free of conflict, where peace, unity and harmony prevail.

John Lennon, born John Winston Lennon, attended the Liverpool Art Institute for three years (1957-60). During that time, he developed a style of sketching and drawing figures containing his somewhat sarcastic sense of humor. In later years he would incorporate this whimsical style into art for his books and work done for various social movements.

Lennon’s artwork predated his success with the Beatles and remained a passion throughout his years as a music legend. During his lifetime, he produced numerous series of sketches and lithographs, which were published starting in the early 1960s. Often surreal and composed through a method of free association, his drawings from this period were widely considered some of the finest interpretive artworks of the era.

In 1969, Lennon began exhibiting selected drawings from a series entitled Bag One. This array, now part of the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, was wildly popular and frequently censored due to its overt eroticism. His peace-themed sketches were elevated through their use in antiwar movements. Capturing his emotional, political, and imaginative energy, this lavishly produced collection serves as a timeless record of John Lennon’s creative spirit.

John’s love for Yoko Ono inspired his work and this exhibition. After the Beatles broke up in 1970, John began to venture around the world in pursuit of a kind of happiness that was lacking as a BEATLE. He cherished his new wife Yoko and wanted to learn all he could about the Japanese culture and art that was her background. John and Yoko’s relationship was based on a mutual love for art. John met Yoko at one of her shows in New York. Yoko was part of the Fluxus movement of artists that eventually became the neo-expressionist’s period that influences much the art we see today. This art movement is often overlooked as to its importance in the evolution of modern/contemporary art in the 20th century. To Yoko’s installation of a hammer with nails next to it he asked her something to the effect of: “What if I pound the nails in”. That began a love story that John chronicled in sketch pads she had given him; and asked that he record their life together.

Over the years John saved and preserved several hundred drawings he considered to be the most significant. In 1986, Yoko Ono, began releasing limited editions of some of the most meaningful drawings, using fine art printing techniques, she showcased John Lennon as an important artist of his time. Each print had John’s signature embossed as well as Yoko Ono Lennon hand signed in pencil. She also includes the chop in red ink on the art.

So, let’s come together at the EC Gallery, located in the historic Gaslamp Quarter at 621 Fifth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101. Let’s immerse ourselves in the art of John Lennon and give peace a chance. Let’s imagine all the people, sharing all the world and the world will be as one.

For more information or to RSVP to the opening receptions, please contact the gallery at (800) 599-7111 or email [email protected]. Admission is FREE and open to the public. All artwork is on exhibition and available for purchase. Don’t miss this iconic experience!

The image with this listing © Yoko Ono – Photo Credit Iain Macmillan.


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