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Arts & Culture

Storytelling: Before, During and After.

About the Event

Stories of the human condition reveal the feats and the foibles of humanity. Told up close and in person in an eclectic, art-filled atmosphere.
Members of Storytellers of San Diego regale you with personal, folkloric and literary tales all on the theme of Before, During and After. The complete deal. Experience a range of tales and storytelling styles by Fred Laskowski, Arlyn Hackett,
Mindy Donner, and introducing Emily Stamets and Milo Shapiro to the Template stage.
Hosted by Rita Mooney with panache.
Delicious stories and java await you. 5032 Niagara Ave., SD, Ocean Beach, 92107
Ages 12 and up.


Contact Us

1230 Columbia Street, Suite 800,

San Diego, CA