Are the Chargers an important part of San Diego’s DNA?
“As a multigeneration native of San Diego and lifelong fan, the thought of no Chargers in San Diego is something unimaginable. However, threatening to move the team unless hard-working people are taxed to build a new stadium so the owners can then charge incredible ticket prices on top of the HUGE television revenues they receive shows mind-boggling arrogance and greed. If anything, leave the Chargers’ name here and ship the Spanos syndicate to L.A.”
—Paul Thomas, President and founder, Julian Hard Cider

Chargers: Love ’em or leave ’em?
Say we don’t build a stadium. What does San Diego look like?
“Without the Chargers, San Diego becomes America’s most beautiful little city.”
—Erica Holloway, Principal, Galvanized Strategies

Chargers: Love ’em or leave ’em?

Chargers: Love ’em or leave ’em?
Jacqueline Campbell 2014
—Greg Ullery, Fashion designer, Riviera Clubra Club
If we built a new stadium, who should sponsor it with big bucks?

Chargers: Love ’em or leave ’em?
“Qualcomm should continue to be a sponsor. And they should stay away from national beer brands, so we can continue to promote our craft beer industry.”
—Marcela Escobar-Eck, Principal, Atlantis Group
What else should we spend hundreds of millions of dollars on?
“Installing the SD Trolley to deliver San Diegans to places they actually want to go, like the airport, the beach, Balboa Park, UCSD, etc.”
—Kevin deFreitas, Architect
“Balboa Park, which is desperately in need of a half-billion investment.”
—Ann Berchtold, Founder and director, Art San Diego

Chargers: Love ’em or leave ’em?
Sam Hodgson

Chargers: Love ’em or leave ’em?
Mike Nowak/San Diego Chargers