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Job of the Month

Mike Blatt, Wine Consultant, Quigley Fine Wines, Since 2011
Photo By: Kristina Micotti

By Rebecca Smith

Job Description: I work with small, sustainable family vineyards in Italy, France, and Spain. We sell directly to private clients.

Perk: Hosting private events with local chefs.

First Job: Ski instructor.

Best Moment: I was picking up wine for a weekend delivery, and Christina Quigley had just hired a new employee, Sarah, on the spot. Thirteen months later, Sarah and I were married in Italy!

Worst Moment: Really? I’m a wine consultant, and I work with my wife. Life doesn’t get any better.

Insider Tip: The region of central Spain is the “sleeping giant” for new wines to watch.

Job of the Month

Photo By: Kristina Micotti

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