Letter from the Editor: Close to Home
My master bathroom was completed the same week we shipped this issue to the printer.
Ihate to make that “life-imitates-art” analogy, but sometimes it’s unavoidable—especially when stories, like the ones in this issue, are also my reality at home. Last summer, when we decided the May 2019 issue would have a homebuyer’s guide, I had no idea I would be going through a monster restoration at the same time. On the night of New Year’s Eve, I awoke to the sound of two bathrooms, a hallway, and three bedrooms flooding from a sewer back-up.
We had to call a plumber (who charged extra during holiday hours) and move in with my parents for three months (thank you, Mommy and Daddy, for the daily smoothies and in-home child care). As I was assigning stories about hot neighborhoods, new developments, and design upgrades, I was dealing with contractors, insurance, and all the insane little decisions, like which grout color best complements my tile choice. I had assigned Kim Cunningham to write “How to Survive a Remodel.” She asked if I wanted to be interviewed for the piece. My reply? “But I may not survive.” And unfortunately, her copy came in after I’d experienced a few miscommunications that cost me $1,500. The advice about staying ahead of the contractor on purchasing decisions and about being present at the site would have saved a few thousand. I hope the stories in this issue help you through the emotional roller-coaster that is buying, owning, or remodeling a home or yard. (With our accompanying landscaping and gardening feature, “Ground Rules,” you’re in good hands with author Sarah Pfledderer, as she was a former editor at Landscape Management magazine.)
Not even at work can we avoid construction chaos. It’s a part of our daily existence here at our downtown office, as a lot of developments are going up around us. One view from our 11th floor is largely of a building site and two cranes—one of which is operated by Shane Schroedel, whom we interviewed for this month’s “On the Job” profile. Get this: The girlfriend of one of our graphic designers is Shane’s neighbor. We requested an interview with him by leaving a Post-it on his front door. I always say it: This town is tiny!
I love walking around downtown feeling like I’ve met so many people, and now I even know that guy way in the sky! After reading this issue, I hope you start to feel that this town is small, too—but in a very good, warm-and-fuzzy, you’re-home-and-you’ve-chosen-the-right-grout-color kind of way.

The Ultimate San Diego Summer Guide 2017

Letter from the Editor: Behind Our Magazine Redesign