San Diego has always been a great place for animals. Just as we have a car culture, we’ve long had a pet culture. (When, exactly, we began inviting dogs to restaurants, I don’t know.)
My family, which goes back in San Diego to the late 19th century, has always had horses and dogs, among other animals. My great-great-grandpa gave my great-grandma a pet bear and monkey, possibly rejects from the San Diego Zoo, which opened around that time. Funny, then, that I am not an animal person. I also married someone who grew up with horses and dogs, and is hoping to convert me. Right now we have starter pets—fish. They’re still a lot of work.
But reading the pets feature penned by our senior editor, Archana Ram, I caught myself wanting a dog numerous times (ssh, don’t tell my husband). The story explores San Diego’s best pet-friendly restaurants, parks, hotels, and gadgets, with profiles of local animal lovers. It’s useful and endearing and quirky.
Another thing that got me jazzed was our Style section, whose pages are wonderfully overgrown with plants this month. From houseplant boutiques to a homeowner with 325 rosebushes to an app that reminds you to water your gladioli, I am fired up to start gardening. If only the fish weren’t so much work.
But these are good problems to have, aren’t they? I was reminded of that while working on our health special. I spoke to locals who have conquered cancer, heart disease, Type 1 diabetes, and more. They and their doctors offered strong messages of hope—thanks to considerable advances in research and technology being developed right here in San Diego. You’ll be moved by their stories.
You’ll also be inspired to use our quarterly travel section to book a well-deserved getaway to Kaua‘i or a staycation at The Del. Fair warning: You’ll want to move to Portland after you read our ideas for a diverse getaway.
So start dreaming. And if you end up getting a dog because of this magazine, call me. I’ll just be at home with a mini Dalmatian.

The Ultimate San Diego Summer Guide 2017

Letter from the Editor: Behind Our Magazine Redesign

Letter from the Editor: San Diego Is for Animal Lovers
Erin Meanley Glenny’s great-grandma with two of her Dals