United We Dine
Join us for World Eats at MCASD Downtown on November 15, 6:30–8:30 p.m.
T he November issue is all about introducing readers to facets or communities of San Diego—the military, the global dining scene—that some of you haven’t had the opportunity to get to know.
Growing up in San Diego, I took for granted the fact that we are home to five Navy and Marine Corps bases, and that my friends, relatives, and neighbors are a part of just 0.6 percent of the country’s population that serves in the military. Zero point six! So in time for Veterans Day, we created a package that puts a face to San Diego’s active duty members and veterans. We asked them, “What do you wish civilians understood about your life? What is it like to return from war? How do you feel when someone thanks you for your service?” I learned a lot, and I think you will, too.
On a less serious note, Senior Editor Archana Ram has been jonesing to write a global cuisine feature for at least a year. And she has been keeping a running list of restaurants for upward of six months. The result of her persistence and diligence—and sophisticated palate!—is a 19-page, 30-country tour of worldly delicacies available in San Diego. I’m very proud of her annotated guide, with menu items like fesenjon (an Iranian pomegranate and walnut stew) and Bún bò Huê (a Vietnamese beef noodle soup). “Global Cuisine” spans Afghanistan to Vietnam, and it’s a feature you’ll keep on hand long after this issue leaves the newsstand. To really dive into the story, join us for San Diego Magazine’s inaugural World Eats party, where many of the featured restaurants will be doling out snacks and samples.
You’ll be seeing more of Archana next month, as I’ll be on maternity leave with one of the world’s newest San Diegans—a girl, name TBD.
This month, don’t forget to try something new, whether it’s a spicy dish you eat with your hands or a conversation with a service member. You will see a smile, I’m sure.

The Ultimate San Diego Summer Guide 2017

Letter from the Editor: Behind Our Magazine Redesign

Letter from the Editor: You Don’t Know Until You Try
Empanadas from Pampas Argentine Grill | Photo by Paula Watts