The more things change, the more they stay the same. Check out this 1962 cover of San Diego Mag, illustrated by La Jollan artist Philip Kirkland. Food, drinks, dogs… Wait, is that an ashtray on that table? Scratch that.
Things have changed dramatically in six decades. Just look at those mid-century folks—spearing fish, living in the moment. Not a phone, laptop, or even a color television in sight. What a three-martini, cigarette-filled world they inhabited. Vapes, kombucha, and round-the-clock screentime these days.

Every month we’re celebrating SDM’s 75th anniversary by recreating old covers with artists and voices that are vital to San Diego’s now. This month, we asked local digital collage artist Andrew McGranahan to reimagine this classic with a contemporary brunch theme in his signature psychedelic style.
“I knew I wanted to match the placement of all of the original design elements as much as possible,” McGranahan says. “I worked to combine the vibrant feeling that you can see in most of my work with ‘brunch by the beach.’”
Selfies! An entire chicken garnish atop a bloody mary! Varied skin tones! It’s a whole new look for a whole new San Diego.
Fun fact: Kirkland (b.1921) went on to a successful art career, illustrating countless trippy iconic covers for Psychology Today and sci-fi novels in the ’60s and ’70s. We’re proud we had him early. SDM history is full of cool surprises.