In this week’s installment of Happy Half Hour, hosts Erin Chambers Smith and Troy Johnson and producer Archana Ram give us the scoop on dining and drinking openings, like La Mesa’s newest farm-to-table eatery and Crudo, the sleek Carmel Valley restaurant focused on raw dishes.
Plus, Mel Lions, director of the Wild Willow Farm & Education Center, stops by to share his expertise on raising chickens in your backyard, artisanal wheat, and why we need to be more connected to our food.
We’re also delving into part two of our talk on the new GMO labeling law, the best places to get a meal for two under $50 (including Luce and OB People’s Organic Food Market), and why you need to drink at Novo Brazil Brewing Co. from our Best of San Diego feature.
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Recent Episodes
- Happy Half Hour: Episode 6
- Happy Half Hour: Episode 5
- Happy Half Hour: Episode 4
- Happy Half Hour: Episode 3
- Happy Half Hour: Episode 2
- Happy Half Hour: Episode 1
For all previous episodes, click here.
Would you like to sponsor a podcast episode at your restaurant or bar? Email David, our producer and digital media director.