Tired of musicals? Go see an intimate, 80-minute play called Be a Good Little Widow, now showing at the Old Globe in the Sheryl and Harvey White Theatre. It’s a theater in the round, with just four actors, all of whom have performed on Broadway and/or in television. Most notable is Christine Estabrook, whom you might recognize from Desperate Housewives, American Horror Story, and Mad Men.
Despite the title, the play is quite funny. I would call it a dramedy, though, because of the plot. And I would caution that, because of some strong language and clips of hip hop music, Gen-X/Y audiences might relate better.
The play follows 26-year-old Melody (Zoe Winters) whose newlywed hubby travels often for work. [SPOILER ALERT]: He dies suddenly in a plane crash, and she is left without friends or occupation in their new home in Connecticut. Having never even been to a funeral, Melody learns to cope with the help of her widowed mother-in-law, Hope (Estabrook).
The play, written by Bekah Brunstetter and directed by Hal Brooks, makes you think about your present and past relationships. Set in the modern day, it’s very relatable, and it compels you consider what it means to love a person, to lose him/her, and also how we mourn—and move on.
I attended the show with fellow editor Kimberly Cunningham. She cried the entire time. She said, “I almost went into the ugly cry.” Ha!
There was an usher standing at the door with a Kleenex box. Kim took two tissues. It was a good night at the theater.
Sheryl and Harvey White Theatre
Balboa Park
Through June 9, 2013

Review: “Little Widow” has a lot of life
Photo by Ed Krieger