It’s a miracle the October issue made it to the printer on time. Over the course of the last 30 days: Our executive editor, Erin Meanley, got married to a wonderful South African named Wayne Glenny. (Note her new byline throughout this site.) Our senior editor, Kimberly Cunningham, got engaged to her boyfriend, Greg Reynolds. (It happened on a boat with the city skyline as the backdrop.)
Our advertising art director, Geneen Montgomery, who has worked for this magazine for 27 years, announced her retirement. (We see travel and tropical drinks in her future.) We lost our associate art director, Gloria Tebelman, to a hotshot job in New York, and welcomed her replacement, Sydnie Goodwin, who comes to us via Seventeen magazine. Meanwhile, our creative director, Laurie Nicoud, just had her first child. (It’s a boy!)
Congratulations to the team! Now, get back to work…

So Much to Celebrate, So Little Time!