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The internet is replete with both methods and products claiming to be the best way to detox THC. With such a large variety, it is difficult for the audience to discern among these methods which may be the best for the situation in question. Green Gone LLC stands in a unique position to educate on this topic given we’ve been in the THC detox business going on 7 years now with our flagship product Green Gone Detox. We will spare you the pitch however, as we wish to provide honest education simply covering the facts. Many of the following tidbits of advice do not even require any sort of purchase by the individual.
Common Barriers to Detoxing
We want to know why some parties take longer to cleanse their body of cannabis than others. Having sold over 10,000 kits we’ve identified some common themes among people that end up needing our product. The first type of person that may struggle on their own to get their body clean of THC without intervention are heavy tenured users. Specifically we are referring to people that either smoke, vape, or ingest edibles containing THC one or more times a day for a period of several weeks or longer. It is not uncommon for us to answer questions from prospective customers that have ingested cannabis, or even worse for our purposes a high content THC oil every day, sometimes multiple times a day for years. We find this fairly intuitive because of the sheer bulk of THC and subsequent metabolites in the bodily fluids. The higher the starting concentration, typically the longer it will take for the body to clear THC naturally. Males tend to be faster metabolizers than women. However, men also tend to weigh more than women which works against this advantage. Younger people tend to be faster, again due to the difference in metabolic rate. People with a history of liver or kidney disease tend to take longer as well given their body systems are not nearly as effective at eliminating THC metabolites. In summary, the following factors contribute to the time required to cleanse your body of weed in no particular order because everyone is different and there are several variables: age, gender, size, amount of ingestion (including amounts, frequency and tenure) as well as kidney and liver health of the person in question.
How You Can Prepare
Photo Credit: Nejron Photo
To help with all the confusion this causes we have a “detox calculator” on our site that gathers this information upfront to recommend the proper duration of detox on our program. It may take much longer without a proper detox, and regular checking of progress, which we also provide 5 strips for each kit we sell. Our customers seem to enjoy the peace that this provides, having several visual confirmations that there are less toxins in their body. Let’s say you opt to detox THC on your own though. May it be to cleanse your body of cannabis or a personal tolerance break we are still here for you! There are a few things in your power you can do to ensure a positive outcome of getting a cannabis free body.
General Detox Tips
Photo Credit: Lune V A/
First and foremost is abstinence. We don’t entirely blame anyone for wanting to put off this unpleasantry as long as possible. Truly though the sooner the better in this situation to buy as much time as possible.
Next, there is hydration status. Fairly straightforward right? The more water your drink the more urine you produce and in theory the more metabolites you will clear. Yet, this effect is limited by both the liver’s ability to turn THC into water soluble metabolites, as well as the lipophilic nature of the metabolites tending to sequester into fat tissue and sit there for extended periods of time. So hydration helps, but we will only get so far using this method alone.
Pursue Cardiovascular Exercise
Photo Credit: bunyarit
Generating sweat through cardio exercise is also helpful in no less than two ways. Not only does the sweat generated eliminate metabolites in its own rite, as some metabolites will eliminate out with the sweat, but also if the active lifestyle is maintained general metabolism may improve too, and break up some of the stubborn THC sequestered in the fat. This takes longer than the user realistically has however. We have heard some case reports that a low carb diet may help as it forces consumption of fat, which also makes sense to us, yet the magnitude of the benefit is largely unknown.
In summary, THC detox is a difficult and time consuming process. Doing it on your own may require a multiple angled approach. We do believe in diet, exercise, hydration status, and abstinence as the most reliable non-detox kit approaches. However, if you’re in a time crunch, or have begun but are having a difficult time feel free to reach out to us!