Zero K, the 17th novel by Don DeLillo, follows a wealthy family patriarch who has invested in technology that preserves bodies indefinitely for future reawakening.
Pamela Erens’s Eleven Hours is about the joys and trauma of childbirth, told through the experiences of two women who meet for the first time in a hospital when one goes into labor.
Little Bee author Chris Cleave’s latest novel, Everyone Brave Is Forgiven, is set in 1939 and centers around a wartime love triangle.
Adam Haslett offers an emotional portrait of mental illness within one family in Imagine Me Gone. The heartbreaking circumstances are told through the perspectives of each family member.
Famed author Louise Erdrich’s LaRose is about a North Dakota man who, while hunting in his yard, accidentally kills the neighbor’s son. He and his wife give their own son to the neighbors as recompense, leaving both families bound together in grief as he grows up.
Mark Kurlansky’s specialty is chronicles of the mundane (Salt, Cod). His latest is the history of paper in Paper: Paging through History.

Your Shelf Life: 6 Books to Read in May