Blue Lexus
January 1:
If you’re crazy and you know it, take a swim—the Polar Bear Swim, that is! There’s perhaps no better New Year’s hangover cure than a dip in the cold Pacific with the La Jolla Cove Swim Club.
January 2:
New year, new ride! There are plenty to choose from and wish for at the annual San Diego International Auto Show at the San Diego Convention Center.
January 3:
San Diego Museum of Art kicks off the first week of 2014 with its First Friday Films series, featuring So Proudly We Hail, a World War II film shown in conjunction with the museum’s Women, War and Industry exhibit.
January 4:
This year marks the 40th anniversary of Garrison Keillor’s A Prairie Home Companion. Witness the live radio broadcast at the Civic Theatre.
Make this year’s promises for health and wellness stick with the 5K or 15K Resolution Run at Mission Bay.