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Class 02. Metamorphosis: A Book Arts Journey of Transformation with Victoria Rabinowe | Athenaeum School of the Arts

About the Event

Sunday, 10 AM–3 PM
March 9 (Special note: this is the first day of the Daylight Saving Time [DST].)
(1 Day, 5 total hours of instruction)
La Jolla Studio

The metamorphosis of a butterfly is a profound and intricate process that beautifully illustrates our own transformation and growth. This remarkable journey underscores the inherent challenges that accompany our evolution, ultimately leading to a complete and awe-inspiring rebirth as a butterfly.

In this soul-searching book arts workshop, we will engage in introspective guided writing prompts and indulgent improvisation to transform the enigmatic shifts in our lives into a book structure, handcrafted from a single sheet of paper. These creations will unfold like butterfly wings illustrated with found-imagery collage and text. By attuning to our hearts and quieting our minds, these collaged books will help us make sense of our life experiences. This process will enable us to explore new poetic avenues and gain fresh creative insights. Collage is a calming and meditative practice, suitable for all skill levels.

Materials: Bring your journal; scissors; X-Acto knives; glue stick; collage ephemera; and high-quality magazines—nature, art, science, fashion—to share and to cut up.

Max students: 12

Contact Us

1230 Columbia Street, Suite 800,

San Diego, CA