Mt. Woodson Country Club
18 holes,
par 70
Blue Tees
White Tees
Red Tees
I’ve always been fascinated by the reasons golfers choose a certain golf course as their favorite. Take, for example, Randy Jones. We all know him as one of San Diego’s beloved Padres pitchers, but the golf community knows him as a darn good golfer. Athletes (especially the great ones) always have a strategy on the course.
So when I asked Randy, it came as no surprise that he would pick Mt. Woodson Country Club.
“I enjoy strategic thinking, and Mt. Woodson is a very strategic golf course,” Jones said. “As a pitcher, you are always thinking, not just about the next pitch, but the pitch after that and how you want to set up the batter. It’s the same thing with golf.”
Of course his best round ever was played at Mt. Woodson. He shot 67. And when I say his “best round ever,” we aren’t just talking about his score. He quickly added (and seemed just as proud) that he also found 40 golf balls that day. Um… you’re on your way to shooting 67 (he was three under on the front nine) and you’re off in the bushes looking for balls? “It was the ultimate Easter Egg Hunt!” he said.
Mt. Woodson is shorter than the traditional championship course, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less challenging. It requires more thought and usually more discipline. You can’t just “bomb it,” knowing if you mis-hit the shot you’ll end up in the next fairway over. There IS no next fairway over at Mt. Woodson. However, if you end up losing your ball, chances are Randy will find it during his next round!
Read Tina’s weekly blog Fore! San Diego’s Best Golf here