Photo Credit: Marius Ladner
“TK” is editorial shorthand for “to come.” Writers use it as a placeholder when a part of the story is still being written, actively being materialized but not yet finished. Right now, 22 local creatives are writing the future of San Diego Mag. As a magazine and media company, we are growing. And this corner of our new office in Columbia District, on the edge of Little Italy, is where we gather. Fittingly, our new space is across the street from SDM’s first office decades ago.
This corner is where we welcome new creatives, where we screen new tiny films we’ve made, unveil new dreams and stresses, where we drink wine. About 15 feet from here, past the kitchen filled with pretty remarkable things (SDM people are food people), is a cross-current of laughter. Claire and I are lucky to be surrounded by some wildly talented storytellers. The kind of people who naturally find the weird, poignantly unexpected spin.
We’re not always in-office, because the stories are outside those windows. But when we are, the drink-spitting lines fly. Outside, you can see the Santa Fe train station, the U.S.S. Midway and its altar for military families, MCASD and its stark rooms of modern art, the fishing boats of Point Loma. You see the TK of San Diego itself, the cranes and the steel bones of future things.
We’re settling in for the next era of media and SDM. Each day a new plant or thingie arrives. This place, this city—hell, everyone and everything—is always TK TK TK.