RMD Group—the nightlife impresarios behind Fluxx, Sidebar, FSix, etc.—have made a pretty massive move in the Gaslamp. They just bought both Fred’s Mexican Café and The Marble Room next door on Fifth Avenue. RMD partner Michael Georgopoulos said they plan to keep both venues operating as-is for several months. But then they’ll shut ‘em down and “completely revamp” with new concepts and designs. RMD reps say neither spot will become a nightclub, so it looks like they’re making a move into the restaurant world.
The Downtown location of Rock Bottom Brewery chain apparently hit its namesake recently and closed. In its place San Diego will get another chain—this time laidback live music joint out of Nashville called Tin Roof. San Diego will mark their 12th location.
Their ABC license approved, the Stone Company Store we told you about eons ago is another step closer to opening on Kettner Blvd. When open, it’ll make the idea of commuting on the Coaster even more appealing.

THE BIG MOVE: RMD Buys Fred’s, Marble Room