Rim salt? Passé. Enter the sea cube at George’s. “I was staring out at La Jolla Cove and thought, ‘How can I make something simple like a margarita but give it the ambiance that they see here?’” That’s how bartender Stephen Kurpinsky describes his Sea Cubed cocktail at George’s Gastropub, the newly designed bar at George’s at the Cove. He makes a “salted ice cube” with sea salt and embedded edible seaweed for a play on the margarita, with blanco tequila infused with mango and lime peels, ancho and yucca chiles, fresh lime, and agave nectar. “The cube dispenses salt as it melts, instead of putting it on the rim, which I always thought was too messy.” We like it; neat.

Trending: Sea Cubes at George’s Gastropub
Photo by Corey Hollister