A doctor once explained to me that there are two kinds of sleep problems: You can’t fall asleep or you can’t stay asleep. I am the latter—a light sleeper with a busy mind and lots to think about at 2 a.m. Recently a friend with an even busier mind was raving about the quality and ease of her sleep when she takes Lord Jones CBD tinctures, so I decided to try them.
At 9:15 p.m., I held one dropperful under my tongue for 60 seconds. One dropper is 10 mg of CBD, or cannabidiol, a non-psychoactive compound in the cannabis plant. Within an hour, I felt tired, but not like someone was trying to put a black bag over my head. On a scale from melatonin to Ambien, it was way more melatonin.
That night, my kids, ages one and three, each made a sound in their sleep and woke me, and I lay awake for more than two hours.
Should I have another dropper? At 4 a.m. I started worrying that my one-year-old would wake up for good in 30 minutes, which she occasionally does. I didn’t want to chance being out cold when she was ready to play.
The next night I took two droppers, but I still woke up and stayed up.
Night three I nailed it. I took a 25 mg Lord Jones CBD Gel Capsule, and the night was blissfully uneventful, except for one 2:30 a.m. cry. Either I wasn’t very stressed, or the dosage was just right, because I was able to go back to sleep.
I might add that with CBD, it doesn’t hurt to interrupt my sleep, plus I feel more rested overall. When children call, pulling away from the gentle touch of CBD is a breeze and certainly preferable to wrenching myself out of a NyQuil slumber, which feels like someone is taking a hammer to my temples. No time to go through the Inception levels.
If anything produces anxiety, it’s thinking about how much sleep I can or can’t accomplish. So for anxiety, if not for the sleep, CBD is great. Lord Jones will be my sleep aid du jour… until another magic pill comes along.