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Latinos Making a Difference: Event Details

Latinos Making a Difference: Advisory Board

Latinos Making a Difference: Advisory Board

Latinos Making a Difference: Event Details


Latinos Making a Difference: Advisory Board

Latinos Making a Difference: Advisory Board

Latinos Making a Difference: Advisory Board

Latinos Making a Difference: Advisory Board

Latinos Making a Difference: Advisory Board

Latinos Making a Difference: Advisory Board


525 B St #2200 San Diego, CA 92101

October 10, 2013

Event attendance:

The event sold out on October 1, 2013.

563+ guests were in attendance on October 10, 2013.

Event invitation »

Print advertisements:

October 2013: ¾ page, page 198 »

November 2013: Special advertising section, pages 117-128 »

Digital advertisements:

September 5-October 14, 2013: Event web page, 5,560 page views »

October 11, 2013: Post-event survey blast, 234 recipients »

Social Media:

Facebook: Likes: 12,306

Posts: 5 posts by San Diego Magazine

Event page: 87 RSVP’d guests, 5 posts by San Diego Magazine

Photo gallery: 77 Posted photos – 22 likes


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