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First Look: Donut Bar Opens Downtown


San Diego’s iconic donut shop has wild new digs across the street from the San Diego Mag office. We’ve been watching the progress and the time has finally come. Donut Bar’s new—and augmented reality-infused—location is debuting at 401 W. A Street on the edge of Little Italy.

The original Donut Bar at 631 B Street has been a downtown icon for 11 years, but lacked space. The new location is 3,000 square feet, which means Donut Bar founder Santiago Campa can majorly expand how much he can bake and frost and sprinkle. The interior looks like a comic book, but it’s not as black and white as it seems: Campa worked with artist Dana Scott Owens to create an augmented reality experience. Scan a QR code, then scan the room. There’s living art everywhere. 

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