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Class 59. Encaustics 1 Layering & Embedding with Lisa Bebi | Athenaeum Art Center | School of the Arts | Logan Heights Studio | AAC

About the Event

Sunday–Tuesday, 11 AM–4 PM
March 30–April 1
(3 Days, 15 total hours of instruction)
AAC Art Studio

This class will focus on the basics of encaustic painting, a technique using heated beeswax mixed with pigments that allows for rich textures and vibrant colors.

Beginner basics include learning to do the following:

Use encaustic equipment (griddle, heat gun and torch)

Fuse encaustic mediums for a smooth appearance

Create depth by layering

Embed small (dried) objects and collage elements

Excavate to reveal underlying layers

Materials: The $75 material fee includes wood-panel supports, R & F encaustic medium;, some R & F wax colors, heated palette, some brushes, heat guns, torches, some collage materials, images, things to embed; mark-making tools, gloves, scissors. Optional: you may bring to class an apron, mask for face if sensitive to the smell of heated wax, paper towels, tracing paper, your own mark-making tools, dried botanicals to embed.

Contact Us

1230 Columbia Street, Suite 800,

San Diego, CA