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Arts & Culture

The Catalina Diaries

About the Event

“Travel, personal experiences and meaningful memories help me develop images that are extracted from photographs I take and are combined with my imagination. They can be categorized as Semi-Abstract Landscapes and Seascapes. One can identify a visual and be carried into a world of color and paint strokes that are more Abstract in nature.

I enjoy this process so much as it helps my mind shift from the monotony of everyday life and routine to a place of limitless freedom and immersion into a type of paradise where I can dance endlessly and express myself emotionally to my maximum potential. Beginning my career as a purely Abstract Artist with no objective of creating a particular image, I have been painting from my heart for years. In the past few years, I’ve learned to include a visual into my creations, bringing me even more joy to my Studio practice”.


Contact Us

1230 Columbia Street, Suite 800,

San Diego, CA