Issues – Senior Editor
San Diego Magazine is looking for a senior editor. This person will be a high-profile voice of the city’s most iconic media company, working directly with chief content officer Troy Johnson to dream up and execute the new editorial vision of SDM.
The ideal senior editor will be aggressively curious about San Diego in the main areas we cover—food, drink, art, culture, music, design, architecture, style, travel, sports, entrepreneurs and brands, social issues, sustainability, good people making progress. They will constantly explore the city for untold narratives, breaking news, fascinating tidbits, fresh angles on icons, moving personal tales about people and places that impact culture and life here. They will be a player-coach who can write and assign stories, edit and publish them—all on tight deadlines. Someone who has the vision to see how a story will play in print, web, and social. We are looking for a writer-editor whose voice pops, but is not precious. We spend the time to tell a great story, but don’t excessively agonize over sentences.
Basically, someone to crank out quality content with Troy as we create the new SDM.
For 74 years, SDM has been the authoritative voice of life and culture in San Diego—the haven for the city’s most vibrant writers, photographers, videographers, and voices. Our creative team tells the stories of local people doing extraordinary things—artists, cooks, cocktail makers, architects, actors, musicians, designers, brands, businesses, social leaders, change-makers, innovators. Started as a glossy monthly magazine, SDM is now an award-winning 360-degree media company with original web content, e-newsletters, social media, podcasts, and events.
SDM is evolving—fast. And this senior editor will be key to this storytelling evolution.
Primary Responsibilities
- Plan and execute each monthly print issue of San Diego Magazine alongside our chief creative team—develop trusted sources, constantly reaching out to community, discovering new ideas, identify trends, compelling developments, working with production
- Assigning, editing, and writing stories and working with the art department to schedule photo shoots. Work-shopping headlines and working with web and social media departments to help them translate stories digitally.
- Develop a stable of top-notch, go-to writers for both print and digital that can contribute on both long-lead and short-lead deadlines
- Use traffic data and social-media feedback to optimize performance and maintain consistent growth
- Partner with other key departments including photo, video, social, PR, audience development, etc.
Desired Skills & Qualifications
- At least five years’ experience in a fast-paced multimedia storytelling environment
- Ability to balance daily deadlines with longer-lead stories across platforms
- Experience managing a team and developing writers
- Experience using a CMS to publish a high volume of daily content
- Experience covering breaking news and/or current events on a digital platform
- Social media-savvy, and experience using social platforms to monitor conversations around major events
- Strong prioritization skills
- Experience overseeing content from brainstorm to deployment—approving ideas, sourcing art, scheduling posts, promotion on newsletters and social, etc.
- Strong writing skills with ability to contribute great ideas
- Fantastic collaborator and communicator
- Proven ability to use editorial feedback to improve work
- Team player—willing to edit or punch up any copy needed at the company (marketing, social, etc.)
To apply: Email a copy of your resume and cover letter to [email protected]