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San Diego Homeless Awareness Day from around the Web

What some other local media outlets are posting today
Photo: Wollertz /

By Sanna Coates

San Diego Magazine is among a number local media outlets posting stories on the issue of homelessness as part of San Diego Homeless Awareness Day on August 17, 2016. You can find our coverage here—or continue reading below for more stories from around the web.


Toussaint Academy Helps Homeless Teens Go From Couch-Surfing To College

By Megan Burks

Toussaint Academy works to reverse the outcomes expected for homeless youth — among them, homelessness in adulthood.

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Lofty Plans To House San Diego’s Homeless Gaining Traction, Officials Say

By Marissa Cabrera, Maureen Cavanaugh

Finding housing for the homeless in San Diego is a challenge. Two initiatives, one by the city and another by the county, aim to address the issue.

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Voice of San Diego:

Housing Voucher-Holders Find Themselves With Guaranteed Rent But Nowhere to Use It

By Maya Srikrishnan

For the past two months, Keva Hubbert has spent her days at the Lincoln Acres public library in National City, looking for an apartment that will take her housing voucher.

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Barriers – and Solutions – on the Road to Ending Homelessness

By Lisa Halverstadt

We asked local leaders and homeless providers what they think is keeping San Diego from ending homelessness and what could be done to solve it. Here’s what they said.

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San Diego CityBeat:

Formerly Homeless Vietnamese Immigrant is Winning the Battle to Get his Life Back

By Dave Maass

Formerly homeless, Tuan Nguyen is now seeking to remedy the system that led to his destitution five years ago.

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Take a page, Albuquerque

By John R. Lamb

Bob McElroy and Alpha Project deserve the props.

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CW6 San Diego:

Groups out in full force giving opportunities to the less fortunate on Homeless Awareness Day

By The CW6 News Team

The East Village is a place many of the homeless can find shelter, a shower and a warm meal — and it’s an area service providers gather to lend a hand on Homeless Awareness Day.

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For more of today’s coverage, visit the website or follow San Diego Homeless Awareness Day on Facebook, Twitter, and with the hashtag #HomelessinSD.

San Diego Homeless Awareness Day from around the Web

Photo: Wollertz /

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