Ready to know more about San Diego?


The Master Mentor

Nearly 15 years ago, Armand King set out to be the person he needed as a youth.

The Healing Power of Art & Community

Marcia Johnson, founder of the OURS Art Foundation, a San Diego nonprofit focused on helping victims of trauma through art therapy, in her pottery studio

Founder of local nonprofit OURS Art Foundation helps San Diegan’s heal through drawing, painting, crafting jewelry, & other creative outlets

Keeping it Positive 

Omid Sabet, founder of The Positive Movement Foundation serving schools in need across San Diego

Omid Sabet founded The Positive Movement Foundation to help serve disadvantaged San Diego classrooms

Every Dog Has Its Day

Pitt Bull Rescue walking on the beach from San Diego rescue organization It's the Pits Dog Rescue

It’s the Pits founder Beth Gruff’s mission is to give rescued pit bulls a second chance

Charity Takes Flight

Founder and CEO of Samaritan Aviation volunteering to help villagers of Papa New Guinea

Founder of nonprofit Samaritan Aviation, Mark Palm, shares his mission to serve the remote villages of Papua New Guinea

Contact Us

1230 Columbia Street, Suite 800,

San Diego, CA