Ready to know more about San Diego?


Caring for Home

A severe nursing shortage in Imperial Valley inspires a creative approach at SDSU

Covering 75: May 2023

SDM’s very own Art Director reimagines a 1961 cover, drawing inspiration from three of the city’s most imperiled birds

Mall Is Not Lost

The return of malls in San Diego County heralds better third places for American teens

North by North County

We asked readers to submit their best photos of iconic North County spots and compiled them into a sunset-packed photo essay that rivals any Instagram reel

Big Things Hatching in NoCo

Executive editor Mateo Hoke celebrates San Diego’s newest baby big bird and shares what to expect from our May North County issue

The Louder the Better

Principal librarian, and hobbyist bagpiper, Courtney Secoy Cohen makes sure the SD Symphony hits the right notes

View From Above

San Diego native and rock climbing pioneer, Randy Leavitt, takes us 3,600 feet above the clouds on El Cajon Mountain

Travel News: April 2023

We’re spending nights in some of the most jaw-dropping parks in Colorado, Oregon, and spots closer to home

Covering 75: April

Golden Hill–based muralist and illustrator Celeste Byers reimagines one of SDM’s first covers (August 1949) with a nod to the need to clean up Mission Bay

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1230 Columbia Street, Suite 800,

San Diego, CA