For his series Portraits on Kettner, local photographer Israel “Iz” Castillo snaps medium-format film photos of people simply as they are—no glam squad, no FaceTune, no filters. It’s an intimate look at the locals we pass everyday, often standing in the middle of the road in Little Italy during traffic pauses.
“One day, a friend stopped by [my job at Chrome Digital in Little Italy], and on a whim, I asked him to step into the street for a quick portrait,” Castillo says. “A few days later, another friend visited, and I snapped his portrait, too. That was the moment something clicked. I knew I was onto something.”
We’ve woven a selection of Castillo’s portraits throughout this issue because, well, we love people- watching. Humans are beautiful, unique, wild, and complicated. And fun to look at.
Richard Ybarra (above)
What’s one interesting fact about you that people—even your friends—may not know?
“My friends know me as a cowboy wannabe—they call me Buckaroo Richard. But what they don’t know is that I’m a Western TV and movie aficionado. I’m up at 4 a.m. watching my movies and shows.”

Nan Coffey
What’s one interesting fact about you that people—even your friends—may not know?
“When I was 12 years old, I carried the torch in the 1984 Summer Olympic Torch Relay. I ran my segment in Carmel, CA. I still have the torch.”

Drasko Bogdanovic
What’s your favorite SD memory?
“I work as a State Parks Lifeguard. I got to rescue a sea turtle during El Niño years back.”

Sofía Tannenhaus & Elena
What are you thankful for?
“I was widowed while I was pregnant and I am profoundly thankful to have a healthy, vibrant, and caring daughter. It is such a privilege to be her mother. I am forever grateful that my husband chose to marry me and for his last gift to me: our sweet girl.”

Denise Pomplun
What’s your favorite SD memory?
“Definitely going to breakfast and the swap meet on the weekend with my family. Me and my dad used to go eat at Jimmy’s Family Restaurant, then hit up Kobey’s. I always remember having the best time and getting so excited about what I would find.”

Chenoa Scalora
What’s one interesting fact about you that people—even your friends—may not know?
“I played the alto saxophone when I was in junior high. I played it because of Lisa Simpson—and because the teacher told me my hands were too small to play it, so I wanted to prove him wrong.”

Tone Anderson
What’s one interesting fact about that people—even your friends—may not know?
“My mom calls me Boo, still.”

Daniel Rodriguez
What are you thankful for?
“I’m thankful for the San Diego cycling community. Many people in that community invest their time and energy to host free local events that bring so many different cyclists together. At the same time, I appreciate the effort of local political leaders who have worked on improving city infrastructure to [make biking] safer and easier around San Diego.”

Lety Beers
What are you thankful for?
“I’m thankful for my music and skate family. Keeps my life rich and full of action and amazing friends.”

Vayunamu Bawa
What’s one interesting fact about that people— even your friends—may not know?
“I have always wanted to be a fashion designer and release a clothing line.”

BJ & Pete Jezbera
What’s one interesting fact about that people— even your friends—may not know?
“I have performed plays on three iconic stages in San Diego—The Old Globe, the La Jolla Playhouse, and San Diego Repertory Theatre.”