Ultimate Sticky Bun at Trust
Haley Hill
Sick of cooking? Dine out! The SDM staff is sharing their recommendations, plus one expert’s pick, for where to get grub this week in San Diego. You can satisfy your hunger cravings and help support our local restaurants all with one order, so dig in!
Troy’s Pick
Name and title: Troy Johnson, food critic
Sbicca Del Mar
Order: Crispy chicken buns and coconut shrimp
215 15th Street, Del Mar
Marie’s Pick
Name and title: Marie Tutko, editor in chief
Too Sabrozo Delicatessen
Order: Papa rellena
Hillcrest Farmers Market, Little Italy Mercato, Pacific Beach Market
David’s Pick
Name and title: David Martin, digital media director
Pho Ca Dao
Order: Royal Pho
Multiple locations
Erica’s Pick
Name and title: Erica Nichols, associate editor
Order: Ultimate Sticky Buns (available only at brunch and until they run out)
3752 Park Boulevard, Hillcrest
David Contreras Curiel’s Pick (from episode 244 of the Happy Half Hour podcast)
Little Lion Cafe
Order: Quinoa bowl with chicken
1424 Sunset Cliffs Boulevard, Ocean Beach