Sponsored Content provided by Copia Wealth Management & Insurance Services
Every day you make countless decisions about money. In-person, online, in your car and at home, you are making choices more than you probably even realize. These decisions and behaviors, both conscious and subconscious, add up over time and will ultimately pave the way for your financial future.
Your everyday financial decisions are rooted in your relationship with money and your understanding of how it works. Whether they realize it or not, people often have a relationship with money characterized by fear and anxiety. Why? Because so many people today feel stuck, constantly wondering, “Will I have enough money?”
Unfortunately, financial literacy is severely lacking in our country. The consequences are both devastating and widespread, impacting huge numbers of people across all ages and backgrounds. Financial literacy is the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills such as personal financial management, budgeting, and investing. However, most of us were never taught these things. Many parents don’t discuss money in depth with their children. We grow into adults, get a job to earn a living, and are left to figure out the rest on our own. Well, the system has failed you and hundreds of thousands of other people just like you. As a result, through no fault of your own, your beliefs about money may be holding you back from building wealth and enjoying financial freedom.
Reconsider your transactions with the government, banks, and other financial institutions you do business with every day. They operate in their own best interests and are making money off your money every chance they get. It’s time you act to protect your own interests, since they certainly aren’t going to do it for you. Some of the biggest threats to your wealth include: taxes, fees, lost opportunity costs, wealth transfers, time, average vs. compounding rates of return and more.
So, where do you begin? You need to get educated!
In today’s fast paced world, people get so wrapped up working hard to earn money that their true goals and desires for their life often get pushed aside. The picture blurs on what it is that they are really working toward. It should be front and center in your planning, not pushed aside and forgotten. Designing your unique financial journey begins with outlining what it is that you truly want for your life, your family, and your legacy.
Wealth is not created instantly – it results from a series of mindful choices, discipline, and calculated sacrifices. How can you make informed decisions each day if you’re unclear on your goals or how to achieve them? We want to give you the opportunity to talk about your most vulnerable relationship in the world: money. Go ahead and invent your ideal future, without restrictions. Only then, can we begin to design the steps necessary to make it happen.
Now is the time to take action! Don’t work another day without clearly defined goals and an expertly designed action plan for getting there. Partner with us and we will act in your best interest. Call us now at (619) 640-2622 or visit www.wealthbydesignbook.com to start designing the financial future you and your family deserve!
Written By:
Elisabeth Dawson
President & CEO
LIC #0C72164, #0G81294
Investment advice offered through Copia Wealth Management Advisors, Inc.
Copia Wealth Management Advisors, Inc. is a registered investment adviser.