Oceanside Pop Warner’s Golf Tournament
Oceanside Pop Warner’s Golf Tournament
Oceanside Pop Warner’s Golf Tournament
Oceanside Pop Warner’s Inaugural Alumni Celebrity Golf Tournament is being held on July 28 at El Camino Country Club in Oceanside. The event will benefit Oceanside Pop Warner’s Football and is being hosted by JC Pearson, former NFL player. Oceanside Pop Warner Football & Cheer is a non-profit organization that provides youth football and cheer programs for participants who live in Oceanside.
Gold hole sponsors include Dr. Kari Knowles of Doctors Express, Williamson Produce, Weseloh Chevrolet and Eco Water Systems.
The Downtown San Diego Rotary Club donated a total of $140,000 during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014 to support non-profits in San Diego. Also, Club members participated on 28 hands-on projects for non-profits including providing coffee to military at the USO lounge located at the San Diego International Airport. In addition $26,000 was donated to Rotary International and $2,500 towards the eradication of Polio worldwide. The Club also received an award from Rotary International for having 100% of its members become Paul Harris Fellows.

Oceanside Pop Warner’s Golf Tournament
Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels
Meals-on-Wheels Greater San Diego received $8,000 from Home Instead Senior Care Foundation. MoW provides seniors with two meals per day for $7 delivered to their home by a volunteer. Many aging adults are unable to pay for meals and this grant will be used to sponsor meals for San Diego’s lowest income seniors.
KPBS Senior News Editor Mark Sauer and the KPBS newsroom staff were given the Journalist of the Year award by the San Diego chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists for its coverage of former Mayor Bob Filner’s harassment scandal. Mark Sauer and the news team were honored at the SPJ banquet on July 10 at Bali Hai’s Village. KPBS was also honored with the Media Watchdog Award for Television by The San Diego County Taxpayers Association.

Oceanside Pop Warner’s Golf Tournament
Lights of Lightbridge
The LightBridge Hospice Community Foundation held its annual celebration of inspirational people on July 11 at Old Poway Park. The event raised $30,000 for programs that enhance the end-of-life journey. Helen McNeal, Executive Director of California State University Institute for Palliative Care and Peggy avis, LightBridge Hospice volunteer representing the Pet Therapy Program, received the “Lights of LightBridge” award for their commitment to shedding light on the lives of others.
North County Health Services received $15,000 in unrestricted funds from the Blue Shield of California Foundation. As a longstanding ally to safety net providers across the state, the Foundation trusts that NCHS will put these flexible funds to their highest and best use in the service of California’s most vulnerable populations. “The core support that we received from BSCF is so valuable in that it better equips North County Health Services to address the priorities of the organization and better meet the needs of the community in an ever changing health environment,” Senior Director of Planning and Grants Briana Cardoza said.
The annual Boys and Girls Clubs Greater San Diego Summer Games was held on July 18 at Miramar College. Event partners included Kohl’s, Chicken of the Sea, EPMG, Kaiser Permanente, Walter J. & Betty C. Zable Foundation, American Medical Response, Alvarado Hospital, Paradise Valley Hospital, PureFlo Water and Pretzel Crisps. The partners provided over $35,000 in cash and in-kind products. Over 1,300 kids participated in the Olympic-styled event to compete and celebrate fitness.

Joyce Glazer
Joyce Glazer
Please send news items to Joyce Glazer at [email protected].