Ready to know more about San Diego?


Lighting the Way

Tom Ham’s Lighthouse shines once again, after finishing a major remodel

Great Gatsby Fever!

The new Gatsby flick opens this weekend. Get prepped with style suggestions and more.

When in Drought

A lack of rainfall and low snowpack raise concerns about San Diego’s water supply

Downtown Rocks Out

Downtown Rocks Out After a surge in sign-ups following the Boston bombings, the 16th annual Rock ’n’ Roll Marathon on June 2 will bring in more than 30,000 runners and 100,000 spectators. Both the marathon and half-marathon routes still wind through neighborhoods like North Park and Mission Hills, but this year the finish line will […]


What San Diego is buzzing about in June

Make a blog-San Diego, it’s time to find ourselves

Make a blog-San Diego, it’s time to find ourselves On April 7, the New York Times published a travel story called “36 Hours in San Diego.” New York-based freelance writer Freda Moon observed, “If San Diego has a cohesive identity at all, it’s a shared embrace of an easy, breezy Southern California casualness.” She went […]

Make a blog-The Little Taco Cart That Could

Make a blog-The Little Taco Cart That Could When Sabina Bandera took over La Guerrerense, the mariscos cart her in-laws opened in 1960, chances are she never imagined the Ensenada eatery would one day rank among Newsweek’s list of 101 best places to eat on Earth. Or that Anthony Bourdain would track her down with […]

Make a blog-Jetpacking

The next water sport has officially landed in San Diego. The new flight center at Mission Bay Sportcenter offers private lessons as well as the typical souvenir tees and video add-ons to document the experience. Prices start at $159 for 15 minutes on a weekday and run up to $549 for a 50-minute “Rockstar VIP […]

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1230 Columbia Street, Suite 800,

San Diego, CA